- Filsafat Umum Ilmu
- Sejarah Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu
- Blackwell Panduan untuk Filsafat Ilmu
- Filsafat Ilmu-An Encyclopedia 2006
- Konstruktivisme Sosial Filsafat Ilmu
- Filsafat Ilmu: Rasionalitas tanpa Yayasan
- Encyclopedia of Philosophy vol 1-10
- Filsafat Ilmu A-Z
- Filsafat Islam A-Z
- Filsafat Islam dari Its Origin untuk Hadir Its
- Filsafat Ilmu: Membaca Kontemporer
- General Philosophy of Science
- Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Science
- The Philosophy of Science-An Encyclopedia 2006
- Social Constructivism of the Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Science: Rationality without Foundation
- Encyclopedia of Philosophy vol 1-10
- Philosophy of Science A-Z
- Islamic Philosophy A-Z
- Islamic Philosophy from Its Origin to Its Present
- Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Reading
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